Model Organization Guides

Model Organization Guides

The ConDoc Tools automate your layers, styles, and scenes with precision.  But what if you assigned the wrong layer/tag to an object?  Even though the ConDoc Tools are doing exactly what they are supposed to, your drawings are not going to look right.  Many users report back that the tools are not working, or there is a bug, but the truth is that 99% of issues and problems seen in your drawings are caused by incorrect model organization.  Use our Model Organization Guides, or MOG's, to build a perfectly nested and layered model every time.  With MOG's you will never have to group or layer again!  Just cut objects and geometry, then "paste in place" within the proper MOG group.  

Step-by-Step Tutorials

Watch the quickstart video below, or continue reading for further explanation.

Check out this YouTube playlist of our MOG webinar where I take a deep dive into all of the benefits.

Download the MOG's

We have created a separate MOG for each of our ConDoc PRO drawing sets.  They can be downloaded from the "ConDoc Tools for SketchUp Pro" collection on the 3d Warehouse, or directly from the links below.
  1. ConDoc PRO_Interiors
When setting up a new project, it is easiest to use the Components Browser or 3D Warehouse dialog in SketchUp to download the MOG directly into your active model.

Load the MOG directly into your model from the 3d Warehouse dialog inside of SketchUp.

MOG Best Practices

  1. Place your MOG's at the finished floor heights for each level in your model.
  2. Heads Up!  Once you have placed your MOG's and start loading them with geometry and objects it is difficult to move them.  The ideal placement is off to the side of your model by about 10'.
  3. MOG's come in as components, and you will need one MOG for each level.  Be sure to right-click on each MOG and make it unique before loading it with geometry and objects.
  4. MOG's contain nested groups for the entire ConDoc System, LEVEL > ELEMENT > LOCATION > CONDITION.  The last CONDITION tile is locked, so you can recklessly and aggressively double-click in until the CONDITION tile turns red.  This will keep you in the correct group.

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